
Neurofeedback Therapy: Reclaiming Control Over Brain Function

Jul 07, 2023
Neurofeedback therapy is an evidence-based, non-invasive approach to treating a variety of psychological and neurological conditions.

It is designed to help individuals regain control over their brain function by providing information about their brain activity in real-time. Neurofeedback therapy can be used to treat a range of conditions, including anxiety, depression, ADHD, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), traumatic brain injury (TBI), and substance use disorders.

Neurofeedback therapy has the potential to revolutionize how many psychological and neurological conditions are treated. Using this technique, clinicians can provide individuals with valuable insights into their own brain functioning and empower them to take charge of their emotional and cognitive health. Through neurofeedback therapy, individuals have the opportunity to increase their self-awareness and gain greater mastery over their own thoughts and behaviors.

What Is Neurofeedback Therapy?

“The brain is a mysterious organ, and it can be hard to understand how it works.” Neurofeedback therapy is a cutting-edge field of neuroscience research that seeks to unlock the secrets of the brain and reclaim control over its functions. It is an innovative form of treatment that has been found to produce positive results in many session results. As a neurofeedback specialist, I am dedicated to helping others harness the power of their own brains and achieve improved cognitive functioning and emotional wellbeing.

Neurofeedback therapy involves teaching people how to use mental techniques to regulate their own brainwaves, which are electrical signals generated by neurons that contain information about our thoughts, emotions and behavior. In a nutshell, neurofeedback therapy helps people learn how to control their own minds in order to better manage stress levels, improve concentration, reduce anxiety and depression, among other benefits.

Neurofeedback therapy typically begins with an assessment of the client's current state of mental health. During this evaluation process, I work with clients on identifying areas where they could benefit from improvement in terms of their mental health or overall wellbeing. Once these areas have been identified, we then begin working together on developing personalized strategies for achieving the desired outcomes through training sessions focused on self-regulation techniques such as mindfulness meditation or biofeedback.

These strategies are designed to help clients gain insight into how their brains work so they can develop effective coping mechanisms for managing difficult situations or stressful times. By learning these skills, clients become more adept at controlling their thoughts and emotions and ultimately take ownership over their own mental health journey—which leads us into the next section about how does neurofeedback therapy work?

How Does Neurofeedback Therapy Work?

Neurofeedback therapy is a form of biofeedback, in which brain activity is monitored and feedback is given to the patient. It allows people to gain control over their own brain function, empowering them to manage stress and other symptoms that arise from imbalances in the body-mind connection. Neurofeedback therapists use sophisticated technology and guided visualization techniques to help individuals take back control of their lives.

The objective of neurofeedback therapy is to help patients relax and become more mindful of how their brains are responding to external stimuli. This mindful awareness can lead to improved mental clarity, relaxation, better sleep patterns, enhanced concentration, and increased overall wellbeing.

In order for neurofeedback therapy to be successful, a patient must be willing and able to focus on the task at hand while also being open to receiving feedback from the therapist. Here are three key elements that facilitate successful neurofeedback sessions:

  • Openness and willingness
  • Mindful awareness
  • Commitment to practice

By allowing patients to observe their mental processes in real time, neurofeedback therapy can provide insight into the body-mind connection as it relates to stress reduction and self-regulation. As such, this type of therapy can be an effective tool for helping individuals gain greater control over their own emotional states. Without needing any medication or invasive treatments, neurofeedback provides a safe way for people suffering from various conditions—such as anxiety, depression, insomnia—to take charge of their own health and wellbeing. With this knowledge in hand, individuals can then begin exploring how neurofeedback therapy might help them address whatever issue they may be dealing with.

What Conditions Can Neurofeedback Therapy Treat?

Imagine your brain as an engine that runs a car. It needs fuel to run, and sometimes the car needs a tune-up. Neurofeedback therapy is like a tune-up for your brain. It helps you reclaim control over how it operates, and can be used to treat many different conditions.

ADHD management is one of the primary uses of neurofeedback therapy. Neurofeedback therapy can help patients develop better focus and concentration skills, as well as manage their hyperactivity levels to help them be better organized and productive in their everyday lives.

Anxiety reduction is another condition that neurofeedback therapy can successfully treat. Neurofeedback therapy helps those with anxiety disorders identify their triggers from the environment around them, learn how to manage their stress levels, and create coping strategies for when they are feeling overwhelmed or anxious.

Neurofeedback therapy can also be used to improve memory recall, increase awareness of sensations in the body, and even manage pain levels for certain conditions such as fibromyalgia or migraines. The possibilities are truly endless when it comes to this form of therapy – which brings us to our next question: what are the benefits of neurofeedback therapy?

What Are The Benefits Of Neurofeedback Therapy?

Having discussed the various conditions that can be successfully treated with neurofeedback therapy, let’s now explore the benefits of this treatment. Neurofeedback therapy can offer a range of advantages for those seeking alternative therapies for a variety of issues:

  • Non-invasive and Drug-Free: Neurofeedback does not require any drugs or invasive procedures, making it an attractive option for many individuals.
  • Relief from Stress and Anxiety: Neurofeedback can help reduce feelings of stress, depression, and anxiety by providing insight into how the brain processes emotions.
  • Improved Quality of Life: Studies have shown that regular use of neurofeedback may lead to improved sleep quality, fewer intrusive thoughts, better concentration, and overall enhanced well-being.

These benefits can be complemented through lifestyle changes such as proper nutrition and exercise which can further support mental health recovery efforts. For example, eating healthy meals more often and getting more physical activity can help promote positive mental health outcomes. Additionally, mindfulness techniques such as meditation or yoga may also be beneficial in reducing stress levels.

Ultimately, neurofeedback provides a safe and effective way to take control over brain function with long-lasting results that are both measurable and sustainable. With this knowledge of how the brain works comes greater self-awareness which leads to improved psychological functioning as well as personal growth. The next step is to understand what one should expect during neurofeedback therapy sessions in order to make informed decisions about their care plan moving forward.

What Should I Expect During Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback therapy is a powerful tool for reclaiming control over brain function. It can be used to help people manage their anxiety, depression, stress and more. Through this therapy, individuals can gain insights into their own mental processes and gain the ability to regulate their emotions and thoughts. To understand what one can expect during neurofeedback therapy, it is essential to appreciate the therapist's role in the process.

A neurofeedback therapist is like a coach who guides the patient through each step of the process. The therapist provides educational materials and offers support when needed. They also provide feedback on progress and offer strategies to help individuals achieve desired outcomes. During a session, a patient may be asked to focus on a specific task or activity while electrodes are attached to their scalp that measure brain activity. This allows the therapist to observe how well the patient is able to focus, relax or regulate their emotions.

The therapist then uses biofeedback technology such as an EEG machine or heart rate monitor to provide visual representations of mental states such as relaxation or stress. This helps patients learn how to recognize and manipulate these states without relying on external cues from their environment. Neurofeedback therapists use this information as supporting evidence for teaching individuals techniques for managing emotional states so they can become aware of mental blocks that may be preventing them from achieving desired goals.

Patients often notice improvements in mood and overall well-being after only a few sessions of neurofeedback therapy due to increased self-awareness and improved problem-solving skills acquired over time. With continued practice, these improvements continue and become more noticeable as individuals learn how to better manage their thoughts and reactions in different situations. As neurofeedback therapy can be incredibly empowering, it is important for patients to remember that it is not a quick fix but rather an ongoing process with positive results gradually accumulating over time. As such there should be no rush when starting neurofeedback therapy but instead patience should be exercised while allowing oneself enough room for mistakes along the way as part of the learning process..

With this understanding in mind, it becomes easier to grasp why neurofeedback therapy has become increasingly popular among those looking for relief from psychological conditions or simply wishing to improve cognitive functioning

Are There Any Risks Or Side Effects Of Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback therapy has been shown to be effective in treating a variety of conditions, including attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, anxiety, depression, and insomnia. In general, it is considered to be a safe treatment with few side effects. The cost of neurofeedback therapy is dependent on the type of therapy and the duration of treatment, but is generally considered to be an affordable option when compared to other treatments. It is important to discuss any potential risks and side effects with a health care provider before beginning a course of neurofeedback therapy. Research has shown that neurofeedback therapy is a safe and effective treatment option for a variety of conditions, and should be taken into consideration when exploring treatment options.


The cost effectiveness of neurofeedback therapy has been extensively studied in recent years, with evidence showing that it can be an effective treatment for a variety of mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and ADHD. Neurofeedback therapy has shown to be a cost-effective treatment for these issues, offering a long-term solution without the need for costly medications or treatments. Moreover, clinical studies have found that neurofeedback therapy is associated with improved cognitive functioning, improved emotional regulation, and reduced stress levels.

In terms of risks and side effects associated with neurofeedback therapy, there is minimal evidence to suggest any significant risk. This lack of potential risks combined with its cost-effectiveness makes it an attractive option for those looking to treat mental health problems in a safe and effective way. It is also important to note that the long-term effects of neurofeedback therapy are still being studied, so it is difficult to make definitive statements about its efficacy at this time.

Overall, neurofeedback therapy appears to be a safe and cost-effective intervention for treating various mental health disorders. While further research needs to be done on its long-term efficacy and safety profile, preliminary findings suggest that it could provide significant benefits with minimal risk. As such, individuals may wish to consider this form of treatment as part of their overall approach towards improving their mental health.


When discussing the safety of neurofeedback therapy, it is important to note that the non-invasive techniques used in this form of treatment can help to minimize any potential risks. Moreover, evidence-based research has shown that neurofeedback therapy is generally safe and well tolerated. Patients may experience mild side effects such as headaches or fatigue, however these are usually transient and not severe enough to require medical attention. As a result, neurofeedback therapy can be a safe and effective way to treat various mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

It is also important for clinicians to monitor patients closely during their course of treatment in order to ensure that the most beneficial and least risky methods are being used. For instance, clinicians should look for signs of overstimulation or under stimulation during treatment sessions, as this can indicate that adjustments need to be made in order to maximize effectiveness while minimizing risks. Furthermore, clinicians should be aware of any potential drug interactions with medication that the patient is taking, as well as any history of adverse reactions due to past treatments.

In conclusion, neurofeedback therapy appears to be a relatively safe intervention for treating mental health disorders with minimal risk of side effects. Clinicians should use evidence-based methods when selecting techniques and monitoring patients during treatments in order to maximize efficacy while minimizing risk. With proper care and monitoring by experienced professionals, individuals may benefit from the advantages offered by neurofeedback therapy without having to worry about potential adverse effects.


When it comes to the cost of neurofeedback therapy, the financial burden on the patient can vary depending on individual circumstances. Generally speaking, the costs associated with this form of treatment tend to be significantly lower than more conventional therapies such as medication or psychotherapy. Moreover, many insurance companies provide coverage for neurofeedback services, which can help to reduce expenses even further. Additionally, there are several cost comparisons available online that can help individuals determine the most affordable and effective options for their particular situation.

It is important for clinicians to discuss any potential costs with patients prior to initiating treatment in order to ensure that they have a clear understanding of what they will be expected to pay. Furthermore, it is wise for patients and clinicians alike to research various sources in order to find out if their insurance company covers any portion of neurofeedback therapy. Ultimately, understanding all of the costs associated with this type of treatment is essential in order for patients to make informed decisions about their care.

In terms of affordability, neurofeedback therapy has been found to be comparable in cost when compared with other forms of intervention such as psychotherapy or medications. Additionally, due to its non-invasive nature and lack of side effects, this type of therapy may offer greater long-term benefits than more traditional methods. Consequently, it is often an attractive option for those seeking mental health treatments at an affordable price point.

Given these considerations, neurofeedback therapy appears to be a viable option for those seeking mental health treatments without breaking the bank. By researching various sources and checking insurance coverage beforehand, individuals may be able to access this service at a reasonable cost while still benefiting from its potential therapeutic effects.

What Are The Different Types Of Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback therapy has been shown to be an effective evidence-based practice in reclaiming control over brain function. It is a form of biofeedback that can help people learn to alter their own brain activity and improve symptoms associated with certain mental health conditions, such as anxiety and depression.

There are several different types of neurofeedback therapy:

  1. EEG biofeedback - this type of neurofeedback focuses on the electrical activity in the brain, which is measured by electrodes placed on the scalp. The patient is then given feedback about their brain activity in real time and can use it to make changes to improve symptoms.
  2. Heart rate variability (HRV) feedback - this type of neurofeedback uses sensors to measure changes in heart rate, which can be used to assess the body's response to stress and help adjust behaviors accordingly.
  3. Neurotherapy - this type of neurofeedback uses various techniques, including visual or auditory stimulation, relaxation exercises, hypnosis, and cognitive exercises, to help a patient become more aware of how their thoughts or behavior affect their emotional state.

Each type of neurofeedback therapy has its own set of benefits as well as biological basis for how it works. While EEG biofeedback focuses on measuring electrical activity in the brain, HRV feedback is based on the idea that changes in heart rate can affect our emotions and behavior, while neurotherapy uses other techniques like relaxation or cognitive exercises to help patients gain insight into how their behavior affects their emotional state. Regardless of the type chosen, all have been found to be effective interventions when used appropriately for treating mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

No matter what type of neurofeedback therapy you choose, understanding its biological basis and evidence-based practice is essential for successfully reclaiming control over your brain function and improving symptoms related to certain mental health conditions. With knowledge comes power; so empower yourself today by seeking out a qualified professional who specializes in this field and understands your individual needs!

How Do I Find A Neurofeedback Therapist?

When considering neurofeedback therapy, most individuals want to know how they can find a qualified and experienced therapist. Although there are various costs associated with this type of treatment, finding the right specialist is essential for successful outcomes.

The first step in identifying a qualified neurofeedback therapist is to understand the credentials necessary for working in this field. It is important to consider the qualifications of any potential specialist, including their experience and training related to neurofeedback therapy. In addition, it is beneficial to research any certifications or licensure held by the professional in order to ensure that they have been appropriately trained and educated in this area of medicine.

In addition, it is equally important to investigate the cost associated with receiving neurofeedback therapy. Depending on the provider's level of experience and qualifications, prices may vary significantly between specialists. As such, it is important to review pricing options prior to selecting a provider in order to make sure you are receiving quality care at an affordable price point.

Finally, it is important to remember that while researching potential therapists, take into consideration not just their credentials but also your own comfort level with them as well. Ultimately, finding the right fit between patient and practitioner can be critical for successful outcomes and overall satisfaction with treatment. With these considerations in mind, individuals can confidently move forward towards deciding if neurofeedback therapy is right for them.

Is Neurofeedback Therapy Right For Me?

Neurofeedback therapy is an effective way for individuals to take control of their brain function and reclaim their life. It allows users to observe, understand, and manage symptoms associated with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD. However, a person must first ask themselves if neurofeedback therapy is right for them.

The cost associated with neurofeedback therapy can vary depending on the provider, length of treatment and the type of equipment used. To get an accurate estimate of the cost involved in neurofeedback therapy it is important to compare different providers in your area and ask questions about the equipment they use.

In addition to financial considerations, it is important to consider lifestyle changes that may be necessary while undergoing neurofeedback therapy. Depending on the severity of symptoms being addressed it may be necessary to adjust daily routines or eliminate certain activities until treatment has finished. It is also important to consider whether there are other forms of treatment that could address related symptoms more effectively or efficiently than neurofeedback therapy.

Ultimately, each person’s situation should be carefully considered before making a decision about whether neurofeedback therapy is right for them. Knowing all the costs involved and understanding any changes that need to be made can help make sure that a person makes an informed decision about their healthcare needs. Moving forward, seeking out support from qualified professionals can help ensure that a person makes an informed decision regarding their mental health care plan.

How Can I Find Support For Neurofeedback Therapy?

Neurofeedback therapy offers individuals the opportunity to gain control over their brain function. With this newfound power, many people have experienced improved mental and physical health outcomes. But it is important to understand that neurofeedback therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution; it is an individualized approach that requires professional guidance and support. For those who are considering neurofeedback therapy, it is important to know how to find the right support for your own mental health needs.

When seeking resources to support you in neurofeedback therapy, there are a few key steps you should take. First, research local providers who specialize in neurofeedback therapy or related therapies such as biofeedback or EEG biofeedback. It’s also important to ask questions about their qualifications and experience with this type of treatment before making a decision about which provider you want to work with. Additionally, be sure to look into insurance coverage for neurofeedback therapy since some insurance plans do cover this type of treatment.

In addition to finding a qualified provider, there are other ways of obtaining the necessary support for your neurofeedback journey. Consider joining an online community dedicated to discussing neurofeedback experiences and sharing tips on how best to make use of the treatment. There may also be local support groups available in your area where you can connect with others who have gone through or are currently going through neurofeedback therapy so that you can learn from their experiences and get advice on what kind of results they have seen from the treatment.

Finally, don’t forget the importance of self-care when beginning any kind of new therapeutic process like neurofeedback therapy. Make sure that you are taking time each day for yourself and engaging in activities that bring joy and relaxation into your life while on your journey towards reclaiming control over your brain function with neurofeedback therapy.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does Neurofeedback Therapy Cost?

Non-invasive neurofeedback therapy is a specialized technique that can help individuals reclaim control over their brain function. Cost for this powerful process can vary depending on the practitioner, setting, and individual needs. While there are usually no long-term side effects associated with this type of treatment, the cost may be significant. In general, however, most practitioners charge in the range of $100-$200 per hour or session, though some may offer discounts depending on the situation. Neurofeedback therapists strive to help people achieve their goals while providing affordable and effective services to those who need it.

Are The Results Of Neurofeedback Therapy Permanent?

The results of neurofeedback therapy can be permanent, depending on the individual's level of brain plasticity and emotional regulation. Neurofeedback therapy works to activate mechanisms within the brain that allow for lasting change in neural pathways. This is achieved through a series of treatments that are tailored to the individual's unique needs and goals. Neurofeedback therapists can work with their clients to develop an effective treatment plan that will promote long-term healing and wellbeing. Evidence-based research suggests that, with sustained effort, neurofeedback therapy can create lasting changes in the brain and improve overall mental health.

How Many Neurofeedback Therapy Sessions Will I Need?

The number of neurofeedback therapy sessions needed to treat a particular individual will vary on a case-by-case basis. Generally, a trained neurofeedback therapist/specialist will evaluate the patient's brain wave patterns and determine what type of treatment is necessary. Depending on the complexity of the condition being treated, this process may require multiple sessions. In any case, side effects are usually minimal and well managed for those who participate in neurofeedback therapy.

Can Neurofeedback Therapy Be Used With Other Therapies?

The use of neurofeedback therapy in combination with other therapies can be beneficial for those dealing with psychiatric symptoms and mental illness. Neurofeedback can be used to help regulate brain functioning, which, when properly applied, can assist in reducing the severity of symptoms associated with mental illness. When combined with traditional forms of therapy, such as cognitive-behavioral or psychodynamic approaches, neurofeedback can potentially enhance the effectiveness of these therapies. By helping to normalize brain functioning and reduce symptomology, neurofeedback can provide additional support to patients on the path toward recovery.

What Is The Success Rate Of Neurofeedback Therapy?

The success rate of neurofeedback therapy is an interesting phenomenon to consider, as it can be a viable alternative treatment for mental health issues. With the proper guidance of an experienced neurofeedback therapist, the potential for positive outcomes is high. Indeed, many studies have shown that neurofeedback therapy has a success rate of around 80%, bringing relief and improved functioning to those who seek its aid. While results may vary depending on the individual, this form of treatment can certainly provide much needed relief in a safe and effective manner.


Neurofeedback therapy is a valuable tool in reclaiming control over brain function. By learning how to recognize, analyze, and regulate neurological patterns, clients can gain insight into their mental state and increase their capacity for self-regulation. Recent studies show promising results in the effectiveness of neurofeedback therapy and its ability to reduce symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. Neurofeedback therapy provides a unique opportunity for individuals to gain greater control of their mental health, giving them the power to “steer their own ship” on their journey towards healing. As a neurofeedback therapist, I am committed to helping my clients achieve their desired outcomes by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to take charge of their mental health.