
Sexual Abuse Therapy

Neurofeedback Therapy & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy located in Valley Village, Los Angeles, CA
Sexual Abuse Therapy Los Angeles

Sexual Abuse Therapy services offered in Nationwide

Sexual abuse can have lifelong impacts, affecting everything from your relationships to your physical and mental health. If you’ve been the victim of sexual abuse, seeking professional help is an important first step toward recovery. FamilyTime Centers’s goal is to help victims of sexual abuse work through the lingering emotional effects in order to move forward toward happier, healthier lives.

Sexual Abuse Therapy Q & A

What are the long-term effects of childhood sexual abuse?

Many, if not all, victims of child sexual exploitation have indisputable and lasting negative consequences. These include a variety of eating and sexual disorders. Often, this can lead in a variety of forms: depression, relationship problems, anxiety disorder, or other dissociative behavioural disorder. There is no reason to believe that any person whose parents were affected men experience sexual violence may suffer the consequences of their actions. Despite the lack of evidence, experienced sexual abuse and violence can be devastating and requires intense and specific treatment to stop its reoccurrence and to help in recovery.

What is the treatment for childhood sexual abuse?

The treatment of sexual assaults is a broad and encompassing approach that includes victims advocacy and family systems. Despite the recent success of the family-based model of treatment of sexual orientation, many physicians and researchers have concluded that the best possible combination of both child advocacy and family-system approaches can result in an effective approach to treatment of sexual dysfunction. The family is being addressed through a unified family plan that also includes the social justice and law systems in general. No one cause of sexual abuse in a family should be treated effectively on every level.

Professional Support For Sexual Assault

Every 68 Seconds Americans are raped by men. Almost 464,000 American adults and children die of sexual abuse every year from exploitation attempted rape, child abuse or neglect. While sexual abuse can be difficult and can be difficult to deal with it isn't the only problem. Many forms of treatment are focused on individuals experiencing assaults and trauma. A recent report suggests that EMDR and Cognitive Behavior Therapy are particularly effective for the PTSD survivors who are coping with sexual abuse.

Benefits Of Sexual Abuse Counseling

Sexual abuse is a traumatic experience that can have long-lasting effects on a person’s mental health and overall well-being. Survivors of sexual abuse often experience a range of emotional and psychological symptoms, such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and difficulty trusting others. Seeking counseling after experiencing sexual abuse can be an important step in the healing process, and can provide a range of benefits to survivors.

One of the primary benefits of using sexual assault trauma and abuse counseling is that it provides a safe space for survivors to process their emotions and experiences in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Counselors who specialize in sexual abuse are trained to provide empathy and understanding, and can help survivors work through their complex trauma, at a pace that is comfortable for them.

Counseling can also help survivors develop coping mechanisms to deal with the effects of the trauma. Survivors of sexual assault or abuse may struggle with a range of emotions, from anger and sadness to guilt and shame. Counseling can provide tools and strategies to help survivors manage these emotions in a healthy way, rather than turning to unhealthy coping mechanisms like substance abuse or self-harm.

Another benefit of sexual abuse counseling is that it can help sexually assaulted survivors develop healthy relationships. Survivors of sexual abuse may struggle with intimacy and trust, and may have difficulty forming and maintaining healthy relationships. Counseling can provide a safe space to explore these issues and develop strategies to build healthy relationships and establish healthy boundaries.

Counseling can also help survivors regain a sense of control and empowerment. Sexual abuse can leave survivors feeling powerless and out of control, but counseling can help survivors reclaim their power and autonomy. By providing tools to manage symptoms and develop healthy coping mechanisms, sexual abuse survivors can feel more in control of their lives and empowered to make positive changes.

Finally, sexual abuse counseling can help survivors find a sense of closure and move forward in their lives processing trauma. While the effects of sexual abuse can be long-lasting, counseling can provide survivors with the tools and support they need to move forward and heal. By working with a trained counselor, sexual assault survivors can learn to manage their symptoms, develop healthy relationships, and find meaning and purpose in their lives after trauma.

In conclusion, sexual abuse counseling can provide a range of benefits to survivors of sexual abuse. From providing a safe space to process emotions and experiences, to developing coping mechanisms and building healthy relationships, sexual health counseling can help survivors heal and move forward in their lives. It is important for survivors of sexual attraction to seek counseling from trained professionals who specialize in sexual abuse, as they have the knowledge and expertise to provide the support and guidance that survivors need to heal.


The TCF-CBT model offers a short, resilient-building model for trauma affected young children and their parents and caregivers to adapt to CBT principles to heal.

P - Psychoeducation: The first step in TCF-CBT is to educate the child and their caregiver about the effects of trauma on the brain and how it can impact a child's behavior, emotions, and relationships. This helps to provide a framework for understanding what has happened to the child and how they can begin to heal.

R - Relaxation: The second step in TCF-CBT is to teach the child relaxation techniques to help them manage their stress and anxiety. This may include deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided imagery.

A - Affective Expression and Regulation: The third step involves teaching the child how to express and regulate their emotions in healthy ways. This may involve activities like art therapy sessions or writing exercises to help the child express their feelings.

C - Cognitive Coping and Processing: The fourth step in TCF-CBT involves helping the child reframe their negative thoughts and beliefs about themselves and the world around them. This may include teaching them to challenge negative self-talk or to reframe traumatic experiences in a more positive light.

T - Trauma Narrative: The fifth step involves helping the child to process and make sense of their own traumatic event or experiences through the creation of a trauma narrative. This may involve creating a story or drawing to help the child understand and process their trauma.

I - In Vivo Mastery of Trauma Reminders: The sixth step involves helping the child confront and overcome their fear of trauma reminders through exposure therapy. This may involve gradually exposing the child to stimuli that trigger their trauma response in a safe and controlled environment.

C - Conjoint Child-Parent Sessions: The final step couples therapy involves working with the child and their parent or caregiver together to help them build a stronger relationship and improve communication. This can help to improve the child's sense of safety and security, which is crucial for healing from trauma mental illness.

Overall, TCF-CBT is an evidence-based approach seeking therapy that has been shown to be effective in helping children who have experienced trauma. It provides a structured and supportive framework for healing that focuses on building resilience and coping skills, while also addressing the underlying cognitive and emotional factors that can contribute to trauma-related symptoms.

Stages of treatment

Most Family Therapist Programs to to treat sexual abuse and violence can be delivered in stages, i.e. At the start stage a safe place of hope is established. Families have committed to pursuing change. In order to determine the patient and their therapeutic goals, client-professional relationships can be created. The doctor will develop the appropriate treatments plan with the consumer in consultation with the physician. Phase 2: Challenge existing patterns and new alternative strategies. Family members are empowered with ideas about how to challenge faulty behaviors, beliefs or behavior to open the way for healthier alternative solutions to be more ad hoc. In this article.

Healing And Symptom Management

Sexual assault and trauma can trigger painful thoughts like anger or sadness. Through therapeutic techniques clients can feel relief. After dealing with their emotions, survivors have the opportunity to challenge their views of themselves. It's never necessary to determine the future. Having an experienced counsellor will allow you to recover your life. Some children have chosen not to stay at school to help with their recovery because they are sensitive in nature and they need help.

Utilization of cognitive-behavioral and psycho-educational strategies

Cognitive-Behavioral techniques assist in guiding the whole family member, towards a new way of viewed life experiences. This includes changing the old way of thinking to make the lives easier to manage. Breaking bad habits can help you heal from past childhood abuse, and maintain new ways of thinking. Psychoeducational methods help families understand what is needed for prevention in order to improve connection to the family.

Attend Therapy Only When You Feel Ready

Once you are feeling well it may become the time to go. If someone forced you to go to group therapy, you could start to concentrate your time with others. Take the therapy for myself rather than for someone else. Do you feel extreme pain in your body when the underlying cause is extreme and you consider seeking medical attention for the cause of your symptoms? You can go away or return when you want. Whatever you do, therapy can be personally tailored to the person you choose.

Sexual Abuse Therapy Q & A

What is sexual abuse?

Sexual abuse is any kind of non-consensual or unwanted sexual contact anywhere, including rape, molestation, and sexual harassment. Sexual abuse can be physical, verbal, or psychological.

What are the effects of sexual abuse?

The effects male survivors of sexual abuse can be wide-ranging and long-lasting. Victims counseling survivors of sexual abuse often suffer from depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health issues. They may also develop unhealthy coping mechanisms such as substance abuse or risky sexual behavior. In some cases, victims of sexual abuse attempt or succeed in taking their own lives.

How can therapy help victims of sexual abuse?

Working with a qualified therapist can help victims of sexual abuse address the psychological effects of the trauma. Therapy can also provide victims with the tools they need to adopt healthier coping mechanisms and build more positive relationships. In some cases, medication may be prescribed to rape victims to help treat the symptoms of anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

What should I look for in a therapist?

When choosing a therapist, it's important to find someone you feel comfortable with and who has experience treating sexual assault center abuse victims. You may want to ask about a therapist's specific training and experience in treating sexual assault victims and abuse survivors before making an appointment.

What are the four forms of sexual abuse?

  1. Contact abuse: This form of sexual abuse involves physical contact with the victim's body. It includes any unwanted touching, fondling, kissing, or sexual penetration.
  2. Non-contact abuse: This form of sexual abuse does not involve physical contact with the victim's body. It includes any type of sexual exploitation or exposure, such as indecent exposure, voyeurism, or making a child watch pornography.
  3. Exploitation: This form of sexual abuse involves taking advantage of a person's vulnerability for sexual purposes. It includes situations where a person is forced or coerced into sexual activity through manipulation or threats.
  4. Grooming: This form of sexual abuse involves building a relationship with the victim to gain their trust and create a false sense of security. The abuser may use gifts, attention, or other tactics to manipulate the victim into sexual activity.

Which therapy approach for abuse is the most effective?

Trauma and behavioural therapy (TFCBT) Treatment can last up to 25 days and involves both children as well as a caregiver or trusted adults. This technique provides a comprehensive treatment plan to help young patients with PTSD.

How do you recover from sexual and emotional abuse?

How Should We Healing Emotional and Spiritual Trauma? Learn about emotions – How should I handle this? Understanding emotional and psychological issues is the first step towards healing. ... Keep in mind this is not your fault. ... Show the feelings within you. ... Concentrate on yourself. ... Make support systems available. .. Start a treatment.

Does exposure therapy work for abuse?

Childhood sexual trauma has lasting effects. Some doctors refuse to confront these sexually abused patients for fear of their ability to cope with life. Recent studies show exposure therapy is beneficial for these groups.

What if I'm not ready to talk about my experiences?

If you're not ready to discuss your experiences with a therapist, there are other resources available to help you heal. Self-help books, support groups, and hotlines can provide you with information and emotional support. However, it's important to keep in mind that these resources are no substitute for professional help. If you feel like you're in danger of harming yourself or others, please seek professional help immediately.

If you or someone you know has been the victim of sexual abuse, please seek professional help. FamilyTime Centers offers a variety of therapy services designed to help victims treating survivors of sexual abuse heal the psychological effects of the trauma and move on with their lives. 

Our team of experienced therapists can provide you with the support you need to heal the wounds of sexual abuse and build a brighter future.

If you've been the victim of sexual abuse, don't suffer in silence. Call FamilyTime Centers in Studio City, CA to schedule an appointment with a compassionate therapist.